MeasureBowling #3 Results & Prizes

It’s been already 2 months since the last MeasureBowling, and we apologize for not publishing sooner the results and prizes. Both Peter and I have been very busy with our day jobs.

MeasureBowling #3 gathered 300+ persons in 25 European cities.

The best bowlers were:

City Name Score
Berlin Rene Plewe


Berlin Stefan Kny


Helsinki Jani Kurttila



The nerd shirt winners were:

City Name
Paris Olivier De Segonzac
Prague Pavel Jašek

nerdshirtwinner-segonzac  nerdshirtwinner-jasek

And as a reminder, the door prizes went to:

City Name
London Roser Blasco Cantavella
Milan Fabrizio Malpighi
Paris Gregory Loth
Edinburgh Cameron Gray
Prague Stanislav Petruzela
Lille Shree Neve
Belfast Darren Craig
Nantes Ronan Chardonneau
Cologne Marina Uhlhaas
Utrecht Bob van Dijk


The next MeasureBowling will take place in November 2014. The official date will be communicated during MeasureCamp V on September 20th, 2014 in London. Join our community on Facebook - Linkedin - Google+ for latest news and updates!

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